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System System Product Name Driver Scan Result

PC Name:
OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro/64bits
Model: System Product Name

The System Product Name is a general designation often used as a placeholder for a computer or system's specific model name. Typically, it refers to the system's identification within software or hardware diagnostics. This term is commonly seen in system information tools and may require additional details to specify the exact make, model, and configuration of the computer. It serves as a reference point for identifying the system but does not provide unique specifications on its own.

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Driver name Manufacturer Version Date Download
Controlador de barramento SM Download
Controlador de Memória PCI Download
Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) Microsoft 10.0.26100.1 2024-03-31 Good
PC ACPI de base x64 Microsoft 10.0.26100.1 2006-06-21 Good
System manufacturer System Product Name Microsoft 10.0.26100.1 2006-06-21 Good
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti NVIDIA 2024-08-14 Update
Firmware do Sistema Microsoft 10.0.26100.1 2006-06-21 Good
Intel(R) 300 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller Intel Corporation 2017-10-12 Update
Dispositivo definido pelo fornecedor compatível com HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de Entrada USB Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de Entrada USB Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Controlador de jogo compatível com HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo definido pelo fornecedor compatível com HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de Entrada USB Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Controlador de sistema compatível com HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo definido pelo fornecedor compatível com HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de Entrada USB Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
HID-compliant consumer control device Microsoft 10.0.26100.1 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de teclado HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de teclado HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
NVIDIA High Definition Audio NVIDIA Corporation 2024-08-14 Update
Dispositivo de High Definition Audio Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2024-07-03 Update
Generic Monitor (LG TV SSCR2) Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Mouse compatível com HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Mouse compatível com HID Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V Microsoft 2015-08-03 Update
TP-Link Wireless USB Adapter Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 1030.38.712.2019 2019-07-18 Update
Porta de comunicação (COM1) Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Fila de Impressão da Raiz Microsoft 10.0.26100.1 2006-06-21 Good
Microsoft Print to PDF Microsoft 10.0.26100.1 2006-06-21 Good
Ponte PCI para PCI Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2006-06-21 Good
Ventilador ACPI Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Agregador do Processador ACPI Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Ponte PCI para PCI Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2006-06-21 Good
CMOS do sistema/relógio em tempo real Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
PCI standard ISA bridge Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
PCI standard host CPU bridge Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Controlador de interrupção programável Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Zona Térmica ACPI Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Interface de Gerenciamento do Microsoft Windows para ACPI Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Timer de eventos de alta precisão Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Ponte PCI para PCI Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2006-06-21 Good
Intel(R) Management Engine Interface Intel 2017-11-19 Update
Processador de dados numéricos Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Complexo da Raiz de PCI Express Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2006-06-21 Good
Ponte PCI para PCI Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2006-06-21 Good
desligar ACPI Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo herdado Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Sistema Microsoft Compatível com UEFI Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Botão de Recurso fixo ACPI Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Controlador de High Definition Audio Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2024-09-27 Good
Controlador de High Definition Audio Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2024-09-27 Good
Ponte PCI para PCI Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2006-06-21 Good
Intel(R) Power Engine Plug-in Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
Timer do sistema Microsoft 10.0.26100.1150 2006-06-21 Good
Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 (Microsoft) Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2025-01-23 Good
USB Composite Device Microsoft 10.0.26100.1882 2006-06-21 Good
USB Root Hub (USB 3.0) Microsoft 10.0.26100.3037 2025-01-23 Good